8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
2nd-Aug,16 Purnima
The word "alone" has many negative connotations, but when used in the context of living without a mate, none apply. In fact, living alone may be one of the greatest joys a person can experience. You had a roomier in college, and then you moved in with your best friends, but now you are living alone and you totally LOVE IT!!!! How to live a happy life alone? These Nine key things learned along the way.
1. Sharing your bed? No!
2. A guest using your favorite cup is the worst thing ever.
3. You like to watch movies alone.
4. It's up to you if you want to be messy or not.
5. You have your own coming back home routines.
6. Your refrigerator. Your food.
7. You hate it when people use your restroom.
8. You can spend as much time as you want in your bathroom.