8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!

2nd-Aug,16 Purnima

8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
The word "alone" has many negative connotations, but when used in the context of living without a mate, none apply. In fact, living alone may be one of the greatest joys a person can experience. You had a roomier in college, and then you moved in with your best friends, but now you are living alone and you totally LOVE IT!!!! How to live a happy life alone? These Nine key things learned along the way.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
1. Sharing your bed? No!
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
2. A guest using your favorite cup is the worst thing ever.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
3. You like to watch movies alone.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
4. It's up to you if you want to be messy or not.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
5. You have your own coming back home routines.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
6. Your refrigerator. Your food.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
7. You hate it when people use your restroom.
8 Habits You Develop After Living Alone For a Long Time!!
8. You can spend as much time as you want in your bathroom.